Flowing with the Wind

Good Morning!  Happy Monday!

Feliz Lunes!!

Hoping everyone had a great weekend!  Things are getting a little hectic around here!!  I;m leaving for Miami at the end of the week and then to Peru for two weeks!!  I'm so excited!  I will do my best to try and post pictures of Peru and some outfits while I'm out there.  With that said, you can imagine how crazy my days are between now and Friday......packing, last minute to do list, things I will need for my trip, laundry, clean house, etc, etc!  The list never ends!  I will keep you posted, hope you enjoy this outfit that is so summer chic. Elegant and comfortable all together.

Thank you so much for stopping by today and taking the time to read this post.  Please continue to check in daily for my adventures and outfit post through Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy y por sus comentarios.  Porfavor siganme a traves de mis cuentas de Instagram, Facebook y Pinterest para atuendos diarios.

Xoxo - FS

Top: Willow and Clay via Saks Fifth Avenue ( old - similar styles here, here and here)
Pants: BCBGMaxazria
Shoes: Michael Kors ( old )
Handbag: Louis Vuitton
Earrings: C.A.K.E by Ali Khan
Sunglasses: Miu Miu via Optical Shop of Aspen ( also available here)


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