Sweet Malibu

Happy Friday!!

Feliz Viernes!!

I hope everyone had a good week!!  I'm looking forward to the weekend, being out of town has definitely put me a little out of 'wack'.  These set of pictures were probably my favorite ones.  The sun was getting ready to hide and we were up in the hills of Malibu and it was so beautiful.  I truly felt I was close to heaven. We kept driving and driving and I just knew if we kept going up we would be there.  It was truly a dream.

Thank you so much for stopping by today and taking the time to read.  I'm so appreciative of your comments and your time.  Please feel free to ask me any questions and give me suggestions on your thoughts about the outfits. Please continue to follow me through Instagram (@fashionsensorita), Facebook (Fashion Sensorita) and Pinterest (Fashion Sensorita).

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy.  Les agradesco mucho su apoyo, porfavor dejenme un mensaje o alguna sugerencia haciendome saber que tal les parecen los atuendos. Tambien me pueden seguir a traves d emis cuentas de Instagram, Facebook y Pinterest.

Xoxo - FS

 Jeans: Addie Rose Boutique ( call the number on the website for purchases over the phone) similar here
Scarf: Anthropologie (gift)
Shoes: Enzo Angiolini (old - similar here)
Belt: Banana Republic (old)
Cuff: Target ( sold out)
Ring: Own ( had it made in Peru)


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