White Oliver

Happy Friday!!

Feliz Viernes!!

It's Friday!!  Another week that just flies by, where does time go??  I've always been one who would stick to the myth about no white pants before Memorial Weekend.  Always followed that rule because it was a fashion no, no in my book.  Now, not so much!  I think white is a color that can be worn all year round just like black.  However, there are different hues of white and I probably incline more to that crisp, clean white for spring and summer and more of a dirty, off white for winter.  I also like just a plain pair of white jeans, I know that now-a-days it's very trendy to wear the ripped and cut out ones but I truly just prefer the plain simple ones.  I think it's just a matter of preference, what do you guys prefer?

Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read this post!  Hope everyone had a great and safe St. Patrick's Day.  Have a wonderful weekend!

LLego el Viernes!!  Una semana mas se nos va, el tiempo se pasa volando!  Hoy en dia estan muy de moda los jeans rotos, sin embargo, yo sigo siendo parcial hacia los jeans que no tienen cortes ni deshilachados.  Si tengo uno que otro para con cortes porque bueno, la moda es la moda, verdad?  Pero la mayoria de mis jeans no son asi, los prefiero completitos :)  Como los que les presente aqui.  Para mi no hay nada major que un par de jeans blancos clasicos para el verano, se ve un estilo muy fresco y limpio.  Ustedes que prefieren?

Espero que hay tenido un lindo dia de San Patricio!  Muchisimas gracias por visitor la pagina el dia de hoy, que tengan un buen fin de semana!


Vest: Addie Rose Boutique ( in store now, found similar styles here and here )
Top: Naked Zebra ( old, similar styles here and here ) 
Jeans: Net-a-Poter
Shoes: Target ( they are having a sale, buy one get another pair for 50% off )
Handbag: Louis Vuitton


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