Making a Statement

Happy Wednesday!!

Feliz Miercoles!!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!  Hope you are having a wonderful day!  Just a quick hello to share one of my favorite statement necklaces.  Many people are afraid of statement necklaces or think they can only be worn for special occasions and that is not the case.  They can totally dress up a t-shirt and jeans look or a little black dress.  I wore this one on a casual day out and it definitely gave my somber outfit a pop of style.  I would love to hear what you think of statement necklaces and how you wear them or if you are hesitant to try them and why?

Once again, thank you so much for reading this post, I always look forward to sharing a little bit of my style and me with you on the other side and hope this post was of your liking.  Feel free to leave me a comment or suggestion, I welcome those.

Feliz Miercoles!!  Espero que esten teniendo un lindo dia.  Hoy en el blog les comparto mi gusto por los collares grandes, a los que llamamos "statement".  Se que pueden ser un poco indimidantes y que muchas veces no sabemos ocmo usarlos o pensamos que solo se pueden usar en ocasiones especiales.  Sin embargo, los collares statement pueden darle un toque especial a cualquier stuendo.  Pueden darle el toque justo y necesario a un par de jeans con un polo o pueden darle un toque de elegancia a un vestido negro.  Sea cual sea la occasion los collares statement son accessories que ayudan a complementar un atuendo.  Que les parecen a ustedes? 

Una vez mas muchisimas gracias por visitor la pagina, espero que este articulo haya sido de su agrado.

Xoxo, VB


Jacket: Armani Exchange ( old ) really liking this one for spring
Top: Banana Republic ( the one I'm wearing sold out so I linked this other one )
Jeans: Addie Rose Boutique ( old )
Boots: Target ( they are having a sale, buy one get one 50% off )
Necklace: Stella & Dot
Handbag: Louis Vuitton
Sunglasses: Celine


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