Classic: Black, White and a pop of Spring

Happy Monday!

Feliz Lunes

Hi everyone!  Hope your weekend was wonderful!  Mine was very nice with a couple baby showers and some family outings.  It's always nice to see future moms, they have a special glow to them and they are just so happy!  It's definitely a beautiful time in a women's life.  What did you guys do? I would love to hear about your weekend and your plans for this week ahead!  As always thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and taking the time to read this post.  I wore this outfit to brunch on Sunday, the vest comes with a tie, however, I took it off because I like the vest better open and I added a scarf instead of a statement necklace to give this ensemble a pop of color.

Mi gente linda, como estan?  Espero que hayan tenido un lindo fin de semana!  El mio fue lindo porque pase tiempo con mis amores y asisti a algunos babyshowers.  Es muy especial ver a una future mama, tienen un brillo en sus ojos e iradian amor y felicidad!  Ustedes que hicieron?  Que planes tienen para esta semana?  Aqui las dejo con el atuendo que use el Domingo para ir a desayunar, el chaleco trae una correa pero se la quite porque me gusta mas como queda suelto.

Xoxo, VB


Blouse: Addie Rose Boutique ( old, similar one here )
Shoes: Giuseppi Zanotti ( old, I'm loving these for summer )
Handbag: Gucci
Scarf: Express ( old, loving this, this, this, and this ones )
Sunglasses: Tom Ford


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