Bold and Bright

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

Hi everyone!!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!!  I flew back from Peru over the weekend and I have a long " honey to do list"!  Traveling is always hard for me because, I'm actually scared of planes!!  Yes!  I hate turbulence, it truly gets me sick, so with that said, having my son traveling with me was scary not only because he is still 7 months old but also because of my fear of planes.  Thank God for my sister who traveled with me and was a HUGE help while we were visiting family.  It was great to see my mom and some family who got to meet Ashton for the first time!  We had a great time, despite the heat ( it was hot and humid every morning up until 4ish when the sun started to go down) and most homes do not have air conditioning!  I want to say I don't know a single home that does!  So you can imagine after living in America for 16 years.....air conditioning to me is an actual necessity, while back home, it's just a luxury or not even something necessary! I'm so glad Ashton, even though he is still very young and probably will not remember his first trip to Peru, got to see where his mother comes from and create lasting memories for those of us who enjoyed seeing him take in everything around him.  I love seeing things through his eyes. 

As much as I wanted to try and create a post down there, our days flew by....time was definitely not our friend.  I'm hoping that on my next trip I'm more experienced traveling with a baby and that I'm not down in Peru for such a short time so I'm able to spend some time taking pictures and sigh seeing a little more. :)

I hope you like today's post, I ran a couple errands yesterday and decided my espadrilles would look great with this bright hot pink halter top I picked up before I left for Peru at one of my favorite boutiques in town!  Thank you so much for visiting the blog today and taking the time to read this post.  As always, I look forward to hearing from you and what you think or would like to see in the future on the blog.

Como estan??  Espero que hayan tenido un gran fin de semana.  Yo viaje de regreso a casa durante el fin de semana y como con cualquier viaje , uno llega a casa y tiene un millon de cosas por hacer.  Mi viaje a Peru fue muy bonito, pude ver a mi mama y algunos miembros de mi familia.  Fue especial porque llevaba a mi hijo por primera vez a mi pais natal y ver como se emocionaba al ver las luces, los diferentes colores y texturas de todo era muy emotive para mi.  El viaje lo hice con mi hermana y fue la bendicion mas grande no solo porque fue de gran ayuda tenerla conmigo sino tambien porque ella y yo pudimos compartir momentos bonitos juntas e unirons mas de lo que ya somos.  Ver a mi mama feliz con su nieto fue algo muy emotive porque el amor que ella siente por mi hijo es algo puro y su alegria al verlo es muy especial para mi.  Definitivamente este viaje es un recuerdo que llevare en mi corazon como el primer viaje de mi hijo y aunque el no se acuerde porque esta muy chiquito los recuerdos que el formo para mi estaran siempre grabados en mi corazon.

Espero que les guste el atuendo del post, ayer tuve que salir un ratito y decidi ponerme esta blusa en  rosado fuerte que compre dias antes de mi viaje a  Peru!  Como siempre les agradesco muchisimo su apoyo y que hayan visitado el blog el dia de hoy.  Los invite a que siempre me escriban sus comentarios y me dejen saber que les gustaria ver en el blogen el futuro.

Xo, VB


Blazer:  Banana Republic ( last years, similar style this one and it's on sale )
Top: Scoobie
Jeans: Addie Rose Boutique, similar ones here and also seen before here
Espadrilles: Tory Burch ( last years, similar ones here, also loving these, these and these (with a wedge ).
Handbag: Louis Vuitton
Bracelets: Bought in Peru most of them



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