A Must Have.......

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes

Hi everyone!!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  This week is going to be a little hectic for me, I'm not sure if I shared with you all that I will be traveling to Peru at the end of the week to visit my family and for them to meet Ashton!  I'm very excited but also very nervous because this will be Ashton's first time on a plane and the flight will be all and all about a 10 hour ordeal with 7 of those hours spent on one plane!!  Wish me luck, please! Lol!  I'm sure it will be fine and babies traveling all the time so I will not be the first mom traveling with a baby who might scream or get fussy.

This weekend was beautiful in Kansas City so it was fun to get out and go for a walk and take pictures.  We have a park around our place so we walked over with the baby and had a little fun with the camera.  I hope you enjoy this post with a favorite of mine, the trench coat.  This one shown here is probably my favorite!  The suede material is so soft and timeless, it definitely is an investment piece that you will keep forever and will never go out of style.  I find trench coats so elegant and very versatile, this one can be worn all year long because it's not very heave despite the suede and it's cozy enough to keep you warm in the fall and winter.

As always, thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and taking the time to read this post.  I appreciate your interest and look forward to always connecting with you through Instagram, Facebook, email or your comments. 

Como estan?  Aqui dejandoles un saludito y contandoles que esta semana se me va a pasar volando ya que estare viajando a Peru hacia el fin de la semana.  Tengo una gran emocion por ir a ver a mi familia y que ellos conoscan a mi hijo pero a la vez estoy super nerviosa ya que es la primera vez que Ashton sube a un avion!  Desenme suerte! Jajajaja!  Estoy segura que todo saldra bien y bueno al final no soy ni la primera ni la ultima mama que viaja con un bebe que en occasiones puede que llore.

Este fin de semana tuvimos un clima spectacular que sirvio para salir a caminar y tomar unas cuantas fotos.  Este abrigo tipo gabardine es mi favorite.  Es una pieza que puede ser usada todo el ano ya que el material gamusa del que esta hecho no es muy pesado y es super suave. Este abrigo o cualquier abrigo estilo gabardine es una pieza que no debe faltar en el closet de una mujer!

Como siempre, muchisimas gracias por visitor la pagina el dia de hoy.  Aprecio mucho sus comentarios y siempre me alegra saber de ustedes atraves de Instagram, Facebook, email or por sus comentarios en mis posts.

Xoxo, VB


Trench Coat: Banana Republic
Top: SheIn
Shorts: Banana Republic ( 40% off for a limited time only )
Shoes: Cynthia Vincent also available in a tan color here
Handbag: Sole Society via Nordstrom
Sunglasses: Miu Miu  


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