Floral Garden

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

Hi everyone!  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  It was gorgeous here in KC so we definitely took advantage of the weather.  Went to dinner with family and friends,  walked around the neighborhood, played outside and even went for a run!  We love being outside, I'm sure Ashton gets that from both of us because he is definitely an outdoor baby! 
Saturday evening, we went to the Plaza for dinner and as I was trying to figure out what to wear, this little romper jumped at me mainly because it's so comfortable and easy to breastfeed out of.  Since I'm still breastfeeding, I normally have to wear pieces that I can easily breastfeed out off.  Let me just say, I got so many complements out of this one!!  The ruffles at the bottom of the shorts give it that extra feminine touch to complement the floral pattern and the bell sleeves are an added plus. It fits just right ( I was afraid the shorts would be too small and my lady cheeks would show) however, that was not the case.  Definitely one of my favorite pieces for this spring!

Thank you so much fro stopping by the blog today and taking the time to read this post.  I look forward to hearing from you and your thoughts on this post as well as your favorite spring piece!

Como estan?  Espero que hayan tenido un lido fin de semana!  El clima aqui en KC estuvo bello y lo aprovechamos al maximo saliendo a cenar, fuimos al parquet y a caminar un poquito por nuestro vecindario.  Tanto mi esposo como yo disfrutamos mucho estar al aire libre.  E sabado que ibamos a salir a cenar decidi ponerme este numerito por lo practico y fresco que es.  Los pequenos bobos en los shorts complementan el estampado floral de este romper.  Esta definitivamente es una de mis prendas favoritas para esta primavera.

Como siempre muchisimas gracias por visitor la pagina el dia de hoy y dares el tiempo de leer este blog.  Espero les haya gustado y no se olviden de dejarme algun comentario o si prefieren me pueden enviar un correo o a tarves de mis paginas de Facebook e Instagram.

Xo, VB


Romper: Scoobie ( almost sold out, here are a couple that caught my eye 1, 2, 3, 4 and if you feel like splurging this one is my absolute favorite )
Heels: Target
Clutch: Stella & Dot ( old )
Sunglasses: Celine ( sold out ) 



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