Game Day Ready

Happy Thursday!!

It's Thursday and I can't wait until the weekend!  This week started off a little rough for me, Monday afternoon I started feeling a little sick after having had lunch at a local restaurant in town and by the end of the day I realized I had food poisoning :(  It was no good, I felt so nauseas and light headed and the worst part was that Ashton broke out in hives from this.  I'm still nursing him so whatever I had he got and it truly wiped us out. It wasn't until yesterday mid day that I started feeling a little better.  I'm glad it wasn't anything terribly serious and that both Ashton and I are feeling so much energized and better.

I love sports, specially because it's something my husband and I both enjoy watching together.  I have to admit that I was never a huge fan of baseball ( I found it quite boring, to be honest ) however, with the Kansas City Royals making it to the finals two years in a row and creating such a special time for this city, I got hooked on this sport.  So when spring rolled around I knew I would find a cute, fun and stylish tee for game days!  Peace Love World is a brand I have purchased items from for a couple of years now, I love the fact that the founder of this brand is of Hispanic origin and that through her clothing line she tries to spread peace, love and happiness into this world.  Each one of her pieces has an inspiring message or statement and they all share a positive phrase that makes you feel good about yourself and others.  Based in Miami ( for those of you who don't know, it's my favorite city ) they have sexy, fun, stylish, hip and very comfortable everyday pieces that can be worn year round.  Definitely one of my favorite brands these days, worth checking them out and going on right now is their family and friends storewide sale!!  Get 30% off and any online purchase, can't beat that!  I have linked a couple of my favorite's below.

As always, thank you so much for visiting the blog today and taking the time to read this post.  Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what you think of Peace Love World?

Xo, VB


Jacket: Gap
Jeans: Joe's
Shoes: Sam Edelman ( old )
Turban: K accessories ( follow her on Instagram here, she has the cutest turbans )
Lipstick: Stilla - Fiery 

Here are some of my favorite items from Peace Love World



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