Biker Chic

Happy Friday!!

Feliz Viernes!!

How is everyone??  It's been overcast skies here in KC most of the week and that will continue through the weekend with temperatures dropping a little.  Therefore, it was a great excuse to pull out my " biker" jacket.  I call it that because I feel it has that motorcycle style, at least, that is what I think about when I see it.  I love that this jacket can be paired with anything from dresses, like seen here, skirts, shorts, jeans, I mean anything!  It's even great to travel with, many times the plane can be cold so a piece like this will never go out of style and like I said will most likely be a winner.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I know I'm looking forward to some very much needed sleep! 

Como estan, chicas??  Y claro chicos tambien!  Todo la semana ha estado nublado por aqui y con lluvia ocasionando que las temperaturas bajen, asiq ue eso me dio la excusa perfecta para usar mi " biker jacket".  Le digo asi porque tiene ese estilo de creen?  Me encanta esta chaqueta porque puede ser utilizada con todo, con vestidos ( como lo ven aqui ) o faldas, shorts, jeans, es decir....todo!  Inclusive es una Buena opcion para cuando uo viaja en los aviones, ya que muchas veces hace frio y uno necesita algo lijero.

Espero que hayan disfrutado de este post y que tengan un lindo fin de semana!

Xo, VB


Jacket: Addie Rose Boutique ( very similar style here )
Top: Zara ( old, love this one )
Shoes: Target



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