On Repeat...Denim and Pink

Happy Wednesday!!

Feliz Miercoles!!

Hello everyone!  Thank you so much for reading my previous post and all the safe travel wishes!  I really appreciate it! I also got a couple emails in regards to traveling with a baby and if I had any tips?  I will definitely be doing a post about how I have learned to pack for myself as well as for Ashton.

I'm a repeat offender these days, if you follow me on Instagram you will see how I have been living in these spring booties for the last couple days.... I love them!  I also love this denim jacket!  I have to confess that for many years I was not a denim jacket kind of girl, however, now I take it everywhere I go.  It's so versatile it literally can be paired with anything, well I know I have paired it with almost everything in my closet.  As a matter of fact, it's the only jacket I'm taking on my trip to Peru because it will be perfect with everything I'm packing.  It's summer back home so lots of sun dresses, swim suits and flowy tops.  Can't wait to share my trip with you guys!

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and taking the time to read this post!  Stay connected with me through my Instagram and Facebook pages as well as subscribing for the latest posts. 

Como estan??  Muchisimas gracias por sus comentarios sobre mi viaje a Peru y sus Buenos deseos!  Se los agradesco muchisimo!  Tambien recibi varios emails con preguntas sobre como empaco o hago maletas cuando viajo con un bebe.  Estare haciendo un post muy prontpo con tips y consejos de como empacar y viajar con un bebe.

Estos dias he estado utilizando muchisimo esta casaca de jean y unas botas al tobillo primaverales que pueden encontrarlas en mi cuenta de Instagram.  La casaca de jean is muy versatile y literalmente puede ser combinada con cualquier cosa o atuendo.  Por lo menos yo, la he combinado con casi todo lo que esta en mi closet! Hahahah!  Es mas, el la unica chaqueta que estare llevando en mi viaje, el cual espero poder compartir con ustedes atarves de mis redes sociales.

Una vez mas muchisimas gracias por sus comentarios y por visitor la pagina el dia de hoy.  Les dejo un carino!

Xoxo, VB


Jacket: Gap ( 40% off today only )
Heels: Kendall and Kylie via Nordstrom ( last year, here are a couple great options for this summer 1, 2, 3, 4
Handbag: Marc Jacobs ( sold out ) similar style here and this one is my favorite right now.
Sunglasses: RayBan 



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