Ruffled Fringe

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

It's Monday and we are all back at it today!  This weekend was beautiful, we had a great family weekend and I enjoyed being outdoors with my boys.  Definitely the best part of my weekend!  I wore this top to brunch on Sunday and it was so light and fresh, it added that extra pop of style to my jeans.

Como estan?  Es Lunes y ya de nuevoa la semana laboral!  Este fin de semana me puse esta blusa para ir a desayunar con mi familia y recibi muchisimos complementos.  es bien liviana y fresca para los dias de verano y primavera que ya se nos vienen.Definitivamente le dio un toque extra a mis jeans.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and taking the time to read this post.  I appreciate so much your following and feedback.  Please feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what you like about the outfit.

Muchisimas gracias por visitor la pagina el dia de hoy.  Como siempre las invite a dejarme algun comentario u consejo sobre el atuendo y sobre que les gustaria ver en el blog en un futuro.  Tambien las invite a que me sigan en mis cuentas de Instagram y Facebook para inspiraciones diarias.

Xoxo, VB


Abrigo: Cacharall ( bought in Peru )
Top: JOIA ( found the long sleeve version here )
Pants: Nordstrom
Shoes: Zara ( last years ) similar ones on sale found here
Handbag: Louis Vuitton
Sunglasses: Tom Ford


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