Plaid and Camel :: Weekend Ready

Happy Friday!!

Feliz Viernes!!

Hey guys!  Hope everyone had a wonderful week!  Mine was filled with activities for Ashton and I to do!! I'm trying to get out as much as I can because I know once that bitter cold weather gets here, I will not be going anywhere! :( Plus, now that Ashton is a little older and loves to explore, it has been so much fun to watch him run around and get excited with every new thing he sees or learns about.  Granted, it has been tiring to chase after him, but non the less it's been so worth it!  I took him for the first time to a Pumpkin Patch yesterday and he loved playing with the pumpkins and going down the slide they had there and watching all the kids play.  He is curious about kids now, he gravitates toward them, however, doesn't quite play with them just yet.....he occasionally will but not often.

I wore this vest to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday, I got it a couple years ago at a boutique in town and it's one of my favorite pieces in my closet.  It's very soft and cozy and it definitely screams fall! I have linked a couple options below that I'm really liking including one that is almost identical to this one, it's from the same brand just a new version.

Hope you guys have a great weekend and let me know what you are doing?  Will you be going to a Pumpkin Patch?

Xo, VB

Outfit ::
Detalles ::

Vest :: Scoobie ( old, almost identical one here , also like this and this and this one )
Dress :: Michael Kors ( old, liking this one here and love this one )
Booties :: Dolce Vita for Target
Handbag :: Nordstrom
Accessories :: Stella & Dot earrings and 'Tesoro' lipstick by Stila


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