Olive Green

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

Hey guys!  Wishing everyone a wonderful beginning of the week!  This past weekend we celebrated my mom's birthday on Friday and it was nice to have her in town to be able to spend her special day with her.  For so many years she would be in Peru on her birthday and we ( my sister and I ) would be here, so it has been nice that since Ashton was born she comes during the summer to visit and is able to spend her birthday here. 
We spent most of our weekend celebrating her and a couple other birthday parties Ashton was invited to and amongst all our stops I managed to pull this comfy and super cute dress.  The best part is that it has pockets!!  If you have been following my blog for some time you know I LOVE pockets!  I'm a sucker for anything with pockets and as of late, this color!!!  This olive green is my favorite for fall.  It's so rich and definitely screams in my book fall, along with this color I love the warm brown tones and burgundy......they will be my go to colors for the next couple months.

What are you guys into these days?  What is your favorite color for fall?  Let me now what trends you are loving or if there is anything you would like to see coming to the blog soon!

As always, I appreciate so much your time and following and always look forward to sharing my style and daily adventures with you.

Xo, VB

Outfit ::
Detalles ::

Dress :: Von Maur
Shoes :: Steve Madden
Handbag :: Marc Jacobs ( sold out, fall style from last year, really love this one )
Accessories :: Zara earrings ( old ) and Miu Miu sunglasses


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