Dusty Pink

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

Hey guys, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  We had several errands to run so aside from doing those chores, we went to the pool and had some nice family time.  Ashton loves the water and while it's still nice outside I'm trying to soak up every bit of pool time I can with him.  It helps that my family just loves to sit by the pool and hang out that way I'm not the only one chasing after my almost 1 year old.  I can't believe I just wrote that.....'one year old'!  This past year just went by to fast, I wish time could slow down a little bit......I guess it's because I'm not ready to see Ashton grow up soo fast.  I can already tell this week is going to be hard for me, filled with bittersweet moments because while I'm so excited to celebrate my little man, I'm also nostalgic to realize that I no longer have a baby in the house and that he is slowly turning into a toddler. Do any of you mamas feel that way or felt that way??  I guess it's just part of motherhood and the stages we all gr through with our little ones.  I would love to hear about your experience and how you felt when your babies were becoming toddlers.

I hope you enjoyed this post!  This dress is so nice and breezy, it is very loose so I ordered a size down (XS) so that it would not be so long.  It also came with straps, however, I liked it more without them giving it a complete off the shoulder style.
Thank you so much for visiting the blog today and taking the time to read this post!

Xo, VB


Dress :: Anthropologie
Sandals :: Marc Fisher ( these wedges have sold out everywhere, there are only a few sizes left here and here
Handbag :: Louis Vuitton
Accessories :: Rag & Bone fedora, 'Almost Pink'  lip color from La Prairie and 'Seashell'  lipgloss from Chanel


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