Summer Nights

Happy Tuesday!

Feliz Martes!

Good Morning!  I hope everyone is having a great week.  When I first saw this top, I never thought that I could wear it.  I'm not much of a sequence person and for my taste, this top had way too much sparkle.  It was a gift from my mom and I truly didn't want to hurt her feelings by not wearing it, however I just didn't think it was me.  Last Friday night as I was trying to figure out what to wear, I saw it hanging in my closet and I thought.......maybe tonight is the night.  Once I paired it with a black blazer, I truly thought it was perfect for a night out.  I kept my accessories very simple in order to keep the focus on the top and not overwhelm the outfit.

Thank you so much for stopping by the page today!  I'm so appreciative of your time!!  Please feel free to follow me through Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.  I always look forward to hearing from you and reading your comments.

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy y por sus comentarios.  Porfavor siganme a traves de mis paginas en Facebook, Instagram y Pinterest.  siempre me gusta escuchar de ustedes.


Top: Mossimo ( Gift - some that caught my eye are herehere and here)
Pants: J Brand ( previously seen here)
Blazer: Blu Pepper ( sold out - similar here, previously seen here)
Shoes: Shoeb Republic Via Addie Rose Boutique (previously seen here)
Earrings: Ralph Lauren
Rings: Knuckle rings via Francesca's, others my own ( previously seen here)



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