Blonde Moment

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  I have had the desire for some time now to cut my hair and do something different with it, but I'm just terrified of what the outcome would be.  While in Miami, I happened to run across a store that had all sorts of hair pieces......after many different tries, I came home with this little number.  I have since, worn my blonde wig everywhere!  It has been fun and it has actually satisfied my craving for a "change".  I don't know if I will ever be able to cut my hair this short, much less color it blonde, but for now.....I will be "wigging" it out.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading!! I'm so appreciative of your time!!  Please feel free to leave me a comment, I always look forward to hearing from you! Have a great Monday and remember to follow me via Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook for daily happenings!

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy!!  Porfavor no duden en dejarme sus comentarios u opiniones, a mi me gusta mucho saber de ustedes.  Que tengan un lindo Lunes y porfavor no se olviden de seguirme a traves de mis cuentas de Facebook, Instagram y Pinterest.

Xoxo - FS

Top: Antonio Melani ( old )
Skirt: BCBGMaxazria ( old - similar here )
Shoes: Glint via Nordstrom ( old )
Bag: Addie Rose Boutique ( shop through their Instagram and Facebook pages)
Earrings: C.A.K.E by Ali Khan ( previously seen here )


  1. Hola Vanessa,

    Se te ve bien de rubia, pero me gusta mas tu cabello largo, negro, ondeado y suelto...



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