Peruvian Connection

Happy Wednesday!!

Feliz Miercoles!!

Hi everyone!!  I hope you are having a great day!  I got back from Peru a couple days ago and I have to say I was very shocked at how cold it was.  It normally gets down in the 60's there but this year it has felt a lot cooler than other years, so much more, that I got sick!! :(  I ended up loosing my voice the last day I was there. Not fun traveling with a runny nose and very congested.  However, I was able to take a couple pictures to share with you and show you a little bit of Lima, the capital of Peru. My family still lives there, well most of them, and when I go home I enjoy spending time with my cousins, aunts, uncles and friends.

One of my favorite places in Lima is "Larco Mar".  It's an outside mall built by the ocean, filled with restaurants, cafes, stores and a movie theater. It great during the summer and even now in the winter you can enjoy outside seating with a beautiful view as long as you bundle up!!  It's great for 'people watching'!

Thank you so much for stopping by today and taking the time to read and look at some of my personal pictures.  I hope you enjoyed them and got a little feeling of what my home country is all about!!  Especially how delicious the food is!! It's the highlight of my trip!  I always miss the flavors and spices so much!!  I'm sorry for not having posted anything in a couple weeks, it truly was very hard to do so during my trip.  I will be posting a new outfit this Friday and hope you continue to check in and follow along with me.  It has been wonderful for me to have this space and share my passion and interest in fashion along with my personal experiences and daily happenings.  I'm so appreciative of your time and look forward to continue connecting and sharing with you my journey. 

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy!  Espero que les hayan gustado las fotos de mi viaje y que de alguna manera les haya podido transmitir el sabor de mi cultura.  Lamento mucho no haber podido connectarme en estas semanas pero sinceramente se me hizo muy dificil desde Peru.  Sin embargo, tendre un nuevo atuendo el Viernes y espero que les guste.  Muchas gracias una vez mas por seguirme en este espacio  donde puedo compartir con ustedes mi gusto por la moda y ser creativa en cuanto a las tendencias que estan a la moda en el momento, asi como, compartir un poquito de mi vida personal y de lo que me sucede a diario.  Aprecio mucho su apoyo y su continua acceptacion de este blog.

Your Friend, FS



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