Weekend Wear

Happy Friday!!

Feliz Viernes!!

Hi everyone!  This week just flew by!  I can't believe it's Friday and here we are half way through June.  I hope everyone has exciting plans for this weekend.  Todd and I are celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary and it's Father's Day, so there will be a lot of love and family time this weekend. 
 I was out and about running errands the other day and this outfit was perfect for a casual outing and to meet a girlfriend for a drink afterwards.  I try to always have with me a lightweight jacket or cardigan because there are many establishments that have the air conditioning way up and it can be bitter cold at times.  I hate being cold, specially if I can avoid it, so I have learned to always grab a jacket to go when I know I will be in and out of places.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends and a great Friday!

Hola, hola!  Esta semana se paso volando!  No puedo crer que ya estemos a quincena de Junio, la verdad que nose a donde se esta llendo el ano.  Espero que tengan algo emocionante para este fin de semana.  Todd y yo estamos celebrando 5 anos de matrimonio el di ade hoy y pues tambien da la casualidad que es el Dia del Padre el domingo asi que habra mucho que celebrar y mucho amor en mi casa este fin de semana.

Hace unos dias sali a hacer unos mandados y a encontrarme con una amiga y este atuendo me salio perfecto para ambas occasiones.  Es muy casual para a la vez el agrgarle esta chaqueta le dio un aire mas formal.  Aparte que aqui los establecimientos tienen el aire acondicionado super elevado, que a donde uno va se congeal.  por ello cada que salgo trato de llevar conmigo ya sea una chaqueta liviana o una chompa de verano para evitar el estar tiritando de frio.

Espero que este blog haya sido de su agrado.  Que tengan un excelente fin de semana y un lindo Viernes!!

Xo, VB


Jacket :: Zara previously seen here
Top: : BCBGMaxazria ( old, similar style here and here )
Shorts :: Addie Rose Boutique ( similar style here and here )
Sandals :: BCBGeneration via DSW ( sold out, found tan colored ones here and some similar ones in red here )
Handbag :: Marc Jacobs ( sold out, new version here ) 
Accessories :: Hatter fedora ( old, similar style and on sale here ),  Celine sunglasses ( sold out, similar style here ) and Stila lipstick - "Fiery" via Nordstrom


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