Pink Ruffles

Happy Wednesday!!

Feliz Miercoles!!

I'm so excited for spring to be here that I will be doing a series of posts the next couple days with spring inspired outfits and to start this series off I have to say I absolutely love this blush ruffled dress!!  It's got a fun and flirty style to it, great for a night out with girlfriends or your love, even Easter brunch would be great in this little number!  For the cool breezy spring evenings I would pair it with a short cardigan or even a cropped blazer and some cute open toe heels! I definitely can't wait for spring to be here, the older I get the more I dislike winter and gravitate toward warm weather.  What about you guys?

Ya se acerca la primavera y por ello voy a empezar una serie de articulos con atuendos inspirados en la primavera.  Para empezar esta serie que me dicen de esta vestiso, me encanta!  Es muy femenino y tiene un aire coqueto!!  Para esas tardes con un poco de viento se puede usar con una chaquetita corta o un blazer.  A ustedes que les parece?

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today!!  I really appreciate you taking the time to read this post.  Please let me know what you think of this outfit or anything you would like to see on the blog, I look forward to your comments.

Muchisimas gracias por visitor la pagina el dia de hoy.  Aprecio mucho sus comentarios y me gustaria saber que desean ver en el blog y que les parecio este vestido?  Espero saber de ustedes!

Xoxo, VB


Shoes: BCBGeneration ( sold out ) similar ones here and also like these for spring to here
Clutch: Made by a friend, however, similar one found here
Sunglasses: Miu Miu


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