Plaza Style

Happy Tuesday!!

Feliz Martes del 2017!!

Happy New Year!!!  I can't believe it is 2017 already!!! Looking forward to new goals and new experiences to share with you!  This past weekend we brought down all our Christmas decorations and cleaned the house, does anyone else do that right after New Years Day?  This year we did it a little different than other years mainly because Ashton is at that age where he gets into everything, so it was very hard to keep the ornaments on the tree and the decorations away from him!

Wishing everyone a great start to this year and once again thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and taking time to read this post.

Xo, VB


Vest :: Michael Kors ( old, very similar style here and also like this one )
Sweater :: Target
Skirt :: Lord & Taylor ( another one I like here and it's on sale! )
OTK Boots :: Marc Fisher via DSW
Handbag :: Target
Accessories :: 'Darling Pink' Chanel lipstick


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