Feeling the Blues

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

Hey guys!!!  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!  We had an ice storm warning most of the weekend that really didn't turn out to be much of anything.  We did have some ice patches, but for the most part, it wasn't as bad as the weather forecasters feared.

It has been a little quiet on the blog, and I apologize for that.  Last week was a little stressful because Ashton had a cold and he literally did not eat for two days straight and that started to stress me out.  I have tried so hard to keep his weight up, for, I feel that he is already below average for his age.  Adding to my stress was the fact that he had a runny nose and it was so hard to hear him trying to breath at night through his nose...ugh!  There is really nothing worse than having a sick child, as I feel it makes everyone sick......I worry to death!  We ended up going to the doctor just to make sure it was nothing more than a cold and because his cough was not going away.  Luckily, he checked out alright and started turning the corner this weekend.

Thank you to all of you who had kind words regarding Ashton on my social media (Snapchat : vbosserdet).  I had posted that he was sick and many of you wished him well!  Most of all, thank you for always taking the time to stop by and read the blog!  I appreciate so much your time!!

Xo, VB

Outfit ::
Detalles ::

Vest :: Fate also available here
Sweater :: Banana Republic
White Blouse :: English Factory ( old )
Jeans :: Zara
Booties :: Saks off 5th
Handbag :: Gucci
Accessories :: Rag & Bone fedora, David Yurman ring, Stella & Dot earrings, 'Honey (bun)' lip liner by Marc Jacobs and 'Nude Vanille' lipstick by Tom Ford


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