Stella & Dot Collaboration

Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

Hi everyone and Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the mamas that follow me and take the time to read my posts every week!  I appreciate YOU so very much and THANK YOU for the support!!

 I'm so excited to announce and share with you my collaboration with my friend and fabulous Star Stylist for Stella & Dot, Leslie!  We have teamed up and put together 4 different styles showcasing Stella & Dot's spring and summer line that has me drooling over their beautiful pieces.  If you don't know me very well, I can tell you, I love accessories, from a statement necklace, to a great arm party, to a fun and chic pair of sunglasses.  Stella & Dot definitely knows what a girls wants!!

On this post and the next one I will be sharing with you my favorite pieces from their spring and summer line along with announcing a surprise. So stay tuned and be sure to check out their entire will love every piece!

Once again thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and taking the time to read this post,  AS always I look forward to hearing from you and feel free to leave a comment, let me know what your favorite piece is!

Como estan??  quiero saludar especialmente a todas las mamis que me siguen y que cada semana entran al blog!!  Aprecio muchisimo su apoyo y de Corazon les doy mil gracias!!

Quiero compartit con ustedes una emocionante noticia, estoy aciendo una collaboracion con mi amiga y estilista estrella de Stella & Dot para traerles 4 estilos mostrando la linea de verano de esta linea de accesorios.  Entre este post y el proximo estare mostrandoles mis piezas favoritas asi como los estilos en los que los usaria.  Asi que no se pierdan el siguiente post donde tambien estare anunciando una gran sorpresa.

Como siempre, les agradesco mucho que hayan visitado el blog y las invite a que me dejen un comentario y me hagan saber cual es su pieza favorite?  Con que la usarian?

Xo, VB

Outfit 1
Detalles del primer atuendo:

Jumpsuit: BB Dakota via Halls, also available here
Heels: Nordstrom
Necklace: Stella & Dot
Handbag: Louis Vuitton
Sunglasses: Stella & Dot

Outfit 2:
Detalles del Segundo atuendo:

Top: BCBGMaxazria ( old, similar style here )
Booties: Target
Cardigan: Banana Republic ( old, similar style here )
Handbag: Nordstrom
Earrings: Stella & Dot
Necklace: Stella & Dot
Sunglasses: Stella & Dot  


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