Nautical Vibes

Happy Monday!!

Hi everyone, hope you had a nice weekend!  This past weekend my little family and I drove to Arkansas for my cousins graduation.  It's incredible to me how fast time has gone by, it feels like yesterday when she got here from Peru and we were loading her things in the car to head down to Fayetteville and get her started on her college experience!  Time does fly and here we are at her graduation feeling so proud of her and all she has accomplished in these four years.  I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to be there for her through this journey and truly can't wait to see what life has in store for her!

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and taking the time to read this post and as always, I really appreciate you!  These pictures were taking once we got back from our trip, it was overcast skies and we were lucky to beat the rain that started coming down as we got done shooting them!

Como estan?  Que tal su fin de semana? Comparto con ustedes que este fin de seman mi familia y yo viajamos a Arkansas a la graduacion de mi prima.  Es incredible lo rapido que pasa el tiempo!  Siento como si hubiera sido ayer cuando ella llego de Peru y estabamos alistando todo para llevarla a la Universidad y dejarla instalada para que empieze su experiencia universitaria.  De verdad que el tiempo pasa volando y me hace pensar que algun dia yo estare, si Dios quiere, viendo a mi pequeno retono graduandose!  Me siento bendecida y muy agradecida con Dios por haberme permitido ser parte de esta experiencia inolvidable de Valeria que nos llena a todos de mucho orgullo y satisfaccion.

Una vez mas muchisimas gracia spor visitor el blog el dia de hoy y por permitirme compartir con ustedes mi dia a dia al igual que mi estilo y mi passion por el mundo de la moda.


Xo, VB


Blazer: Target ( old, similar style here )
Top: Addie Rose Boutique
Jeans: Joe's
Espadrilles: Tory Burch ( old, similar ones they came out with this year here and here )
Handbag: Louis Vuitton
Heels: Target
Clutch: Stella & Dot ( old, similar style here, here and here )
Bangle: Hermes
Sunglasses: Tom Ford


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