High & Low : Mint Print

Good Morning!  Happy Monday!!

Feliz Lunes!!

It's Easter week and I'm excited to say that this week my husband and I will find out the gender of our baby!!  I can't wait to start putting everything together for my little one, from the nursery to baby clothes to it's personal necessities.  However, for these next days I'm focusing on Easter inspired options for those of us who are still on the hunt for an outfit to wear to church or brunch on Sunday.  I found this dress at H&M over the weekend and I have to say it is very comfortable.  What caught my eye was the highs and lows of the skirt that make it very flowy and give it character.

Thank you so much for visiting the page today!  I hope you are off to a great Monday and remember to check in later this week for more inspired Easter styles.

Muchisimas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy.  Espero que esten teniendo un lindo Lunes y no se olviden de visitar la pagina en los proximos dias para ver mas estilos para esta Semana Santa.  No se olviden de seguirme a traves de mis paginas en Facebook e Instagram para inspiraciones diarias.

Xo, V

Jacket: BCBG Maxazria ( old ) some options that I liked here and here
Dress: H&M
Shoes: Zara ( sold out ) similar style here
Belt: Banana Republic ( old )
Sunglasses: Tom Ford


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