White Zipper Blazer featuring Stella & Dot necklace

Buenos Dias! Feliz Lunes!

Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  This weekend a friend of mine was so kind to let me borrow this beautiful statement piece from Stella & Dot.  Some of you might not be familiar with this jewelry line, but it has very unique, edgy, trendy and fun jewelry pieces that you can pair with any outfit.  I actually have my eye on a couple things and one of them is this stone necklace in particular. I love stones, their size and colors are so eye catching and can really make an outfit stand out.  In this case, I liked the combination of the dirty green stone against this snake print top. The ruffles on the front of the top shadow the stone, however the gold detail around it allows for the stone to stand out.

Thank you so much for stopping by!  Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of the outfit combination and the necklace.  I hope you have a wonderful day and please don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. I also hope you enjoyed the necklace, check out more designs of Stella & Dot and you will fall in love.

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina y )sus comentarios.  Porfavor no se olviden de seguirme atraves de mi pagina en Facebook (Fashion Sensorita), Instagram y Pinterest.  Espero que les haya gustado el collar de Stella & Dot, que este ano los collares de impacto estan muy de moda. Aprecio mucho sus comentarios y gracias una vez mas por seguir leyendo mis blogs.

Special thanks to my dear friend Heather for letting me borrow this gorgeous statement necklace!


Blazer/Jacket: Ark & Co. via Addie Rose Boutique (sold out - also seen here
Top: United Colors of Benetton (old - similar here)
Bottoms: Flying Monkey via Addie Rose Boutique (sold out - also seen here and here)
Shoes: Rachel Roy (old - similar here)
Necklace: Stella & Dot
Handbag: Adrienne Vittadini (old)


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