In the Blues: Leather Accent

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  I'm so excited to share with you that I will be going to LA this week! I can hardly wait!! I will be visiting a dear friend of mine whom I consider a sister. She has shared with my so many highs and lows and has truly been a blessing to have in  my life.  She is a wonderful photographer and therefore, we will be playing around with the camera quite a bit!!  I'm definitely going to be eager to share with you my trip and all my pictures once I'm able to download them and go through the editing part.  Have a great day and I hope you enjoy this outfit!

Thank you so much for reading and following along on this journey! I'm so appreciative of your time and your comments.  Please check in daily for new posts as well as hair or beauty tips.  Please continue to like my Facebook page (Fashion Sensorita) or you can also follow me through Instagram (@fashionsensorita) and Pinterest (Fashion Sensorita).

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina y seguir apoyandome en esta aventura.  Porfavor chequean a diario la pagina para consejos de belleza, cabello y mas estilos. Si tienen alguna pregunta o quisieran ver algo en la pagina porfavor escribanme y haganmelo saber.  Pueden seguirme a traves de Facebook (Fashion Sensorita), Instagram (@fashionsensorita) y Pinterest (Fashion Sensorita).

Jacket: BCBGMaxazria (old - similar here and here)
Pants: United Colors of Benetton (old - similar here and here
Top: Armani Exchange (sold out)
Shoes: Leifsdottir (old - seen also here)
Handbag: Michael Kors (sold out in this color - also available here and here)
Watch: Michael Kors (old)
Earrings: Forever 21 (sold out - similar here)


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