Dreaming Black & White Stripes

Happy Monday!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!!  I'm loving this monochromatic dress, especially the summer trend of black and white.  The body hugging style is perfect for those of us who want to enhance our silhouettes and highlight our curves a little.  I was debating on weather to wear this dress for brunch on Sunday, however with a cropped white blazer and some soft waves on my hair it gave it a romantic look.  Perfect for the occasion!

Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write me a small comment.  I'm so appreciative of your time and your constant support!!  Please continue to check in daily for tips and any questions to my Facebook page (Fashion Sensorita), Instagram (@fashionsensorita) and Pinterest (Fashion Sensorita).

Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy y por su apoyo constante. Porfavor escribanme con sus comentarios, preguntas e inquietudes. Me encantaria saber que piensan de los atuendos y estilos. No se olviden de chequear a diario la pagina en Facebook (Fashion Sensorita), Instagram (@fashionsensorita) y Pinterest (Fashion Sensorita).

Xoxo - FS


Dress: Olivaceous Addie Rose Boutique (sold out - similar here)
Blazer: Ark & Co. via Addie Rose Boutique (sold out - also seen here and on this post)
Shoes: Shoe Republic (also seen here)
Ring: David Yurman via Tivol
Bangels: Standard Style Boutique (old)


  1. Que bonita Vanessita

  2. La forma como te vistes es realmente espectacular... un estilo lindo de verdad

    1. Erika, muchas gracias!! Muchas gracias por visitar la pagina y seguirme! Estoy muy agradecida por los consejos y comentarios! Que estes teniendo un lindo dia! Xoxo


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