Pregnancy Q&A

Outfit ::

Vest :: White House Black Market ( old, love this one )
Sweater :: Splendid
Jeans :: Addie Rose Boutique
Booties :: Cynthia Vincent ( old, similar style here )
Handbag :: Louis Vuitton
Accessories :: Stella & Dot earrings, David Yurman necklace and 'Spanish Pink' lipstick by Tom Ford

Since announcing I was pregnant a couple months ago, I frequently get asked a number of questions regarding my pregnancy.  Therefore, I decided to do a Q&A to answer most of those questions and I have narrowed them down to 10, so here they go :

1) How is this pregnancy different than your first? Or are they pretty similar?
I'm now 21 weeks pregnant and I have to say that the first trimester of this pregnancy was very different than with Ashton.  I never felt nauseous or got sick with Ashton, but with this baby I was nauseous every day for the first several weeks of my pregnancy and never had an appetite.  I ended up throwing up several times, which was no fun.

2) What would you say is your favorite thing about being pregnant and what is your least favorite?
My favorite thing about being pregnant is knowing that at the end of the process I will be giving Ashton the best gift he will ever get. He will have someone to share life with, specially once Todd and I are no longer here.  My least favorite is not being able to wear normal clothes.  I feel like I'm missing out on all the fun trends.

3) How often do you exercise?
To be very honest, I'm not consistent at all with my exercise routine.  That is one thing that is so different from my first pregnancy, with Ashton I worked out every day up until my due date.  However, this time around I work out when I can, when I'm not feeling exhausted or when I have energy which changes every week. I can say I have gone weeks without working out and then there are weeks I work out 3 times and that is having a great week.

4) How far apart will your babies be?
They will be exactly 2 and a half years apart, which I find to be perfect.

5) What does your normal diet consist of? Do you allow yourself to indulge?
I don't have a specific diet I follow, however, I do watch a little closer what I eat.  I try to keep my diet pretty clean during the week by eating lots of fruit, greens, salads and drinking lots of water. One thing I do every morning before I eat anything is drink a hot cup of water with a lemon, it gets my metabolism going and injects a number of vitamins and antioxidants into my body before anything else.  Another thing I do almost every night is try not to eat anything after 7:30 pm, it allows my digestive system to rest for at least 12 hours before I eat anything again.
I'm more flexible during the weekends and of course I do indulge, I eat what I want just in moderation.  I have never been one to crave sweets, however, I never turn down ice cream :)

6)  Are you nervous about becoming a mom of 2?
I wouldn't say I'm nervous, however, while I'm so excited I also know that the first couple weeks will be chaotic and probably a blur. I'm definitely anxious of the unknown and how I'm going to feel through the transition process. I have heard that going from one child to two is a tough transition and it takes a lot of patience and wine! Lol! I'm so grateful my mom will be here for the first 4 to 5 months of that transition, which will allow me to get a schedule with the boys and find a routine that works for all of us.

7) Were you trying to get pregnant or was it a surprise?
We had been trying for 4 months before we got pregnant.  I shared how we found out we were pregnant on a post here if you would like to find out.

8) Do you have any stretch marks? If so, what are you using to help with them?
So far, I do not have any stretch marks.  However, I did have some stretch marks toward the end of my pregnancy with Ashton so I'm sure I will have them again in the same spot with this baby, I use a lot of Cocoa Butter Cream for stretch marks and Mederma Stretch Mark Therapy Cream and I have found both of these products to be very good and effective.

9) Do you already have a name picked out?
While we don't have a name picked out yet, we have a couple we like on our list.

10) What has been the most helpful advice or thing you have done for yourself so far?
I have been trying to enjoy my time with Ashton as much as I can.  He has been my little buddy and BFF for 2 years now and that will soon change.  While it will be so exciting for me and eventually for him, it will also be a tough transition for a little boy who is used to having his mommy all to himself. This is truly the best thing I have done not only for me but for Ashton as well, because I want us to make memories together and for him to look back and know how much he means to me.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and for all your questions!  I hope this helps answer some of the questions you had and I hope I answered most of them!  If I missed a question or you thought about something you would like to ask me, please leave it in the comments section and I will be more than happy to answer it.

Xo, VB


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