So Casual.....

Happy Monday!!


Feliz Lunes!!

It's a new week and I'm soooo glad for that!  Last week was brutal!!!!  I started feeling like something was coming down on me Sunday night and once Monday rolled around I had head cold like symptoms ( fever, chills, headache ).  I though, if I took some over the counter medicine I would probably be ok in a couple days, well not so much.  Friday I woke up with something I would call 'a swollen lymph node' and that was very painful and scary at the same time.  By Saturday morning my ear, head and throat hurt and it goes with no saying that my lymph node was still very swollen.  After going to the doctor it turns out that I have a infected salivary gland.  I'm not sure if an of you have ever had one, but let me tell you it is the most painful and uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced.  I'm sure the fact that I allowed it to go that far didn't help ( I probably should have gone to the doctor sooner ) but I'm just not one to run to the doctor.  It was even harder trying to take care of Ashton, that was heartbreaking because he obviously is still little and couldn't understand why his mom didn't play with him or carry him as much as she normally does.  I'm sure if he could talk he would ask me why am I laying in bed or on the couch so much! 
I'm just so glad I finally got an antibiotic and that I'm feeling so much better than I did last week.  I was able to get out Sunday for a little bit and take Ashton to the pol after having had him cooped up at home with me for the entire week! Poor baby!!  I felt so guilty but I truly had not energy to do anything plus I was most of the time in pain.  I'm so grateful that I only had a minor thing and that it is better now, however, it made me thinks of all those families and moms who have serious illness at home and have to take care of themselves, kids, a husband.......I mean, it really puts things in perspective and it truly made me feel so appreciative of my health.  If there is one lesson I truly learned through this experience is that your health is EVERYTHING!  If you don't have that, you don't have anything.  I have never been sick like this or felt just so weak and I think that is why I was  so annoyed upset.  I just wanted to feel better and am so happy I am feeling a lot better!

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today, I wanted to share with you guys a little bit of my life last week and these new wedges I got while I was in Chicago.  I truly L.O.V.E them!! They are soo comfy and versatile.  They can be paired with sun dresses, jeans, shorts, everything pretty much.  I was so luck and got them on sale because they were the last pair left in the store and they happened to be my size! Woohoo!!  I never get that luck! 

Hope you enjoyed the post and thank you again for your time.

Xo, VB

Outfit ::
Detalles ::

Jacket :: Ark & Co via Addie Rose Boutique ( old, similar style here )
Top :: DKNY ( super old, really like this one and it's on sale!! )
Jeans :: Zara
Wedges :: Marc Fischer via Bloomingdale's ( sold out pretty much everywhere, however here  is an exact pair at a higher price if you feel like splurging )
Handbag :: Louis Vuitton


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