Red Friday

Happy Friday!!

Feliz Viernes!!

Wishing everyone a great weekend ahead!!  It is Friday and here in Kansas City we dress in red to support out Kansas City Chiefs on Fridays during football season.  This cherry red jeans are one of my new favorite skinny jeans this season, the darker red is perfect for this time of the year. They have a holiday vibe if paired with a sequence top or a casual fall look if you pair them with a cozy sweater and boots.

I'm in love with these new booties.  I wear them everywhere and all the time!  I have apired them with skinnies, dresses, leggings, shorts, I live in them!  They are my favorite pair at the moment!

Thank you for visiting the page today!!  I always look forward to hearing from you, please feel free to leave me a comment ans let me know what you think of the outfit pairings.  Have a great weekend!

Estos son mis botines favoritos en este momento!!  Los he usado con skinny jeans, vestidos, shorts, practicamente vivo en ellos.  Muchisimas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy, porfavor dejenme algun comentario sobre que les parecen los atuendos!  No se olviden de seguirme a traves de Pinterest, Facebook e Instagram.


Jacket: Zara
Blouse: Forever 21
Pants: Addie Rose Boutique
 Shoes: DSW(online)
Handbag: Louis Vuitton
Necklace: Addie Rose Boutique
Sunglasses: Tom Ford


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