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Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday!!  Feliz Miercoles!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!  I can't believe it's October already!!  The holidays are around the corner and I'm still wearing shorts!!  YAY!!  Other years by now it would be cold and my shorts would be packed away for next summer but it has been nice to be able to prolong this great weather.  I paired my classic black shorts with a tweet blazer to give it a more casual look and some great booties that can actually be worn as sandals during the summer time. 

Thank you so much for stopping by the page today and taking the time to read this post.  I'm so appreciative of your time and look forward to sharing more pictures and outfits this fall.  Please keep in touch with me via Instagram (@fashionsensorita), Pinterest ( Fashion Sensorita) and Facebook (Fashion Sensorita).  You can also drop me a line or two if you would like and let me know what you think of the outfits and combinations.  Thank you so much and have a great day!!

Muchisimas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy y darse el tiempo de leer este post.  Porfavor siganme a traves de mis cuentas de Instagram (@fashionsensorita). Pinterest (Fashion Sensorita) y Facebook (Fashion Sensorita). Tambien pueden dejarme algun comentario sobre las combinaciones y lo que les gustaria ver en el futuro aqui en Fashion Sensorita.  Muchas gracias por su apoyo y que tengan un dia muy lindo!!


Jacket: Target ( old - similar here and here )
Top: Naked Zebra ( previously seen here and here)
Shorts: Arden B ( old)
Shoes: BCBGeneration ( old)
Sunglasses: Tom Ford
Necklaces: Cross ( old) , small silver choker ( made in Peru)


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