My Blogging World

My Perspective and Thoughts on Blogging.......


Happy 2018!!!  What an exciting year this one is going to be! On a personal level, the highlight of our year will most definitely be welcoming our baby boy to our family. On a business level, I'm looking forward to growing my blog and really creating a space that allows me to share my life, my family, my everyday style and any tips or products I find helpful for you as a reader.

When I started this blog in April of 2013(you can see my first post here), I really was not sure how the blogging world worked nor did I ever imagine what it would become....I just knew that I enjoyed creating different looks, playing with my style, and to share it with my friends and anyone who was interested.  During that time, I happened to run into a fashion blog that I followed religiously for years and still follow today, that gave me the courage to say, "I think I can do this too"!

Fast forward to today, blogging has become a force, it's a business that generates thousands of dollars a year to so many's a job! Throughout these past years, I have to admit my blogging was not consistent and it hurt me.  I didn't keep up with the trends, whether that was knowing how to market my blog or keep up with the latest social media outlet--all factors in today's blogging world that are keys to success. There is so much involved in blogging, for, it's not just about taking pictures and linking what you wear.  If you are a successful blogger, you are answering daily emails, working with brands to expose their products and offer discount codes for them to as many people as possible.  You are brainstorming to create engaging and motivational content, and you are working your social media outlets to keep your followers up to date and informed with those products and topics that interest them.  You are working.......ALOT!!

With all this said, I'm so thankful you all continue to read my blogs.  This is where all the work is, this is essentially a daily, weekly or monthly publication that we own and we put so much effort to be able to reach you and keep you interested. This is also an outlet for many of us, like me, who enjoy writing and love connecting with you on the other side by this channel of communication.  This is truly the sole reason why I continue to blog.....because I really love reading your comments and knowing that you are reading the content I put out. I'm not a huge social media influencer, nor am I getting paid to write or post anything on my blog.  Rather, I'm genuinely grateful for the connections I'm making and as long as there is one or a thousand readers enjoying my posts and I will continue to blog with the hope of inspiring, motivating and keeping your interest.

Finally, I did want to touch a little bit on the aspect of social media and how it has evolved through the years. It started with a Blog, then Facebook, then Instagram, then Snapchat (this one might as well RIP), and now Insta Stories! It's actually crazy how Insta Stories has taken off and more and more, people love to swipe up and buy what you are wearing or showing or talking about. Part of this phenomenon has been the platform LikeToKnow, which has allowed for influencers to be able to link their outfits making it easy for readers to like the picture and immediately get an email or go on their app and get all the details of that outfit, generating a fast way for influencers to earn money and for people to shop.  I really don't have the answers as to where blogging is going in the future.  I personaly feel that Instagram is the platform everyone follows and connects with those they find have their same interests.  I also know I love to read my favorite bloggers posts and learn more about them and what is going on with their lives.

So my goal and hope for this year is to be able to continue making real connections with you my readers, to continue inspiring and motivating those who have found my blog and social media outlets of their interest, to be true to myself and with my opinions and to be consistent through the years regardless of how busy life gets!

Thank you so much for reading, for stopping by the blog, for following me and for being on the other side of this screen!  I truly appreciate you so much!

Xo, V


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