Pregnancy Q&A :: Part 2

Outfit ::

Jacket :: Zara (from last year)
Boots :: Michael Kors Collection (from last year, similar style here - on sale!)
Handbag :: Louis Vuitton
Accessories :: Miu Miu sunglasses (old), Pom Hat , Ring (bought in Peru), Confetti Link Bracelet by Stella & Dot and Gold Link Bracelet by Stella & Dot 

Happy Tuesday!!  Wishing everyone a great week!  Today on the blog I wanted to answer a couple questions I have been receiving in the last couple weeks about my pregnancy. I did a Q&A back when I was 21 weeks pregnant and now I'm 31 weeks and in my third trimester so things are starting to become more real with each passing day!

Below are some of the questions I have been getting ::

1) Is Ashton aware or does he understand he will soon be a big brother?

Ashton definitely knows or senses there are things changing, specially with mommy. I don't think he quite understands the concept of having a little brother yet, however we have talked to him about his baby brother and how much he already loves him. So when we talk about baby brother he normally points at my belly or when I ask him to give his little brother a kiss he will come and hug my belly and kiss it.  It's the sweetest thing when he does that. 

2) How far along are you now and what advice would you give a first time mom?

I'm currently 7 months or 31 weeks, literally 2 months away from my due date.  My advice to a first time mom would be to get as much sleep as possible now and to enjoy time with your partner as much as you can.  After we had Ashton, life definitely changed for us and it also changed the dynamic of our relationship and our every day interaction. While this transition is expected and normal, it's important to always remember why you fell in love with each other. Once you become parents, you no longer think about yourself, you think about your babies and while we love our little Ashton so much we had to also recognize that we needed time alone to go on dates and keep nurturing our relationship.  It's all about having balance in the new chapter of your life.

3) Will you guys try for a girl?

I will never say never but I'm pretty sure we are done after this second one.

4) On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how tired do you think you are these days?

I'm pretty exhausted to be honest, some days are better than others but I stay tired through out the day.  My energy level is the best in the mornings but by the afternoon I'm pretty much wiped out! It's mainly because I'm also caring for Ashton all day and unless he takes a nap, I don't get a break.

5) Are you still able to sleep through the night or do you find yourself waking up a lot?

For the most part, I'm able to sleep through the night, which I feel pretty lucky about.

6) I have followed your blog and Instagram account for a while now and saw you traveled late in this pregnancy to Colorado, was the car ride hard? We are getting ready to head to my in-laws for Christmas and I'm 6 months pregnant and not sure what to expect?

The car ride was uncomfortable for sure, it was not terribly bad but we had to make several stops so I could stretch and just move around a little bit. However, this past Thanksgiving we traveled to Chicago and Michigan from Kansas City and that was brutal! My sciatic nerve on my back couldn't take it and upon arriving back in Kansas City I was in a lot of pain and discomfort. I have just recently started to feel better, to be more precise, in the last last day or two. That has not been fun, something I never experienced with my fist pregnancy so it has been hard this past month.

7) How different would you say this pregnancy has been from your first one?

I would say pretty different, I answered a lot of the differences on my first Q&A, you can look back at it here . The main difference since then has been experiencing the sciatic nerve pain on my back.

8) Did you breastfeed Ashton? If so, will you be breasfeeding your second one?

Yes, I did breastfeed Ashton......maybe a little too long! Ooops!  I have every intention to breasfeed my second baby, however, one thing I would change is not only how long but I will also incorporate more bottles. Ashton was strictly breastfeed and I think that is what made it so hard to wean him of, aside from the fact that you truly become a slave to their eating and sleeping schedule. This second time around I will be using the bottle a couple times a day so the baby is used to them from the beginning.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today!  I appreciate all the questions and hope I answered most of them.  Feel free to keep asking me anything you would like to know! I always enjoy hearing from you!

Xo, VB


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