Life Update :: A Look Back at 2017

Cheers to New Beginnings.....



Outfit ::

Dress :: Addie Rose Boutique (old, similar style here and here )
Poncho :: Anaphora (last year, love this one and another similar style one here )
Boots :: Michael Kors Collection ( last year )
Handbag :: Louis Vuitton
Accessories :: David Yurman necklace and 'Black Dahlia' lipstick by Tom Ford

Happy Sunday!!  It's the last day of 2017 and what a fulfilling and exciting year it has been for us!  We were blessed with the news of finding out we were pregnant in early May and knowing that we would be welcoming a little brother and best friend for Ashton is definitely the best gift 2017 brought us.  With that said, it was also time to start thinking about the changes this new little boy would bring and how we were going to adjust from being a family of 3 to becoming a family of 4.  Through the next months, I experienced a roller coaster of emotions due to knowing that my little baby would soon be a little boy and soon enough we would have a new baby that would bless our lives all over again.  We have enjoyed so much watching Ashton grow up and become this little human with such a cute personality, full of life and laughter!!  There truly is nothing in this world that brings more joy to my soul than hearing my son laugh, it makes my heart warm to know he is a happy boy. It's incredible how fast they grow and ever since Ashton turned 2 in August, he has been talking up a storm! Everyday, Todd and I are impressed with all the words and sentences he can put together....its crazy!!

One of the highlights of this year for me was being able to travel to Colorado and enjoy some family time before the holidays and before things got hectic for us!  It was our first time visiting Vail and Aspen, so it was special for us and left us memories that we will cherish forever.  We fell in love with the mountains of Vail and charming little corners of Aspen.

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know my mom is here! She will be staying with us for six months (I need an emoji expression right now)!! I have never had my mom stay with me 6 months, other than shortly after my dad passed away.  These next six months will definitely be interesting to say the least, for, not only will we be welcoming a new baby and adjusting to being a family of 4, but also having my mother living with us.  While I'm already so appreciative and grateful for all her help, it will also be challenging and stressful at times I'm sure. We all love our moms, but we also love our space, and I think as individuals we do need some time to ourselves and my biggest challenge will undoubtedly be making time for myself and Todd, all while trying to juggle two kids and my mom.

I'm looking forward to 2018, as so many great things will happen this new year for our growing little family and I can't wait to meet my little bundle of joy in February!! 

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today!! Wishing you a wonderful New Year and may 2018 be a year of achieving all of your goals and grant you all you wish for!

Xo, V


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