After the Rain....

Happy Monday!!

This weekend was a little hectic around my house.  I'm getting ready to go to Peru on Thursday so,  between packing, doing laundry, running last minute errands and trying to spend time with Todd, oh and that minor detail....being pregnant, it was a little crazy for me.  Whenever I have a long list of things to do I normally go for comfort, this outfit was perfect for running errands.  The pants are so comfortable, linen pants are my favorite for the summer, they are fresh and very comfortable.

Wishing everyone has a wonderful week!!  With my trip to Peru being around the cormer, I will try and do one more post this week, otherwise, please continue to check in with me through my  Instagram (@fashionsensorita) and Facebook ( Fashion Sensorita) pages.  I will be posting daily pictures of my time in South America with my family and friends.  Once again, thank you so much for visiting the page today and for your following, please feel free to comment on any posts or let me know if there is somethign you would like to see on the blog.  I always look forward to hearing from you.

Muchisimas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy.  Esta semana viajo a Peru, por ende, tratare de colgar un atuendo mas antes del Jueves de lo contrario porfavor no se olviden de seguirme a traves de mis cuentas de Instagram ( @fashionsensorita) y Facebook ( Fashion Sensorita).  Una vez mas les agradesco mucho su apoyo y que compartan conmigo este pequeno espacio.  Dejenme algun comentario o pregunta que tengan o si les gustaria ver algo en el blog.  Feliz Luness!!

Xo, VB 

Top: Traget ( This top is super soft )
Pants: Old Navy ( the ones I have on have sold out, however, I linked the same style just solid colors)
Shoes: Mossimo ( old ) really liking thesethese and these
Handbag: Addie Rose Boutique ( old )
Hat: Addie Rose Boutique ( currently several available )
Lipstick: YSL ( ths was my first time using this color and I loved it for the summer)


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