Peruvian Vibes

Happy Friday Today on the blog I want to share with you guys a little bit about my trip and my country. It was so nice to go home and see my family after two years, many of you might now know this, but all my family lives in Peru. Therefore, I don't get to see them very often other than when one of us makes the trip. It was very heart warming to feel loved and witness how excited they are for Todd and I to welcome our first child. It was a great trip filled with love, laughter, some not so funny moments but overall very much needed family time. I feel so blessed to have the family I have and to have been able to share something so special with them; my pregnancy. Thank you so much for visiting the blog today and for taking the time to read this post. Most of the pictures are from the baby shower I had with 5 of my best friends from high school. The rest are just miscellaneous ones of some typical Peru...