Facing North

Good Morning!!

Feliz Lunes!!

Happy Monday!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a nice Valentine's Day!!  This weekend flew by for me and as you can still see by the pictures, winter is still in full force around here.  Having snow still on the ground and very cold winds makes it very challenging to want to be outside.  However, my husband and I can't stay inside for too long so we ventured out this weekend and found this really soft, warm and comfy beanie at North Face.  Feeling like polar temperatures around here, I decided to buy it and the best part......it was on sale!! :)

I'm loving this new beanie from North Face.  It's so warm and what I like the most if that it doesn't get itchy around my face like so many beanies I have had through out the years.

hThank you so much for visiting the page today!!  Have a wonderful day and please don't forget to follow me through Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Muchisimas gracias por visitar la pagina el ia de hoy.  Porfavor siganme a traves de mis cuentas de Instagram, Facebook y Pinterest.


Jacket: Forever 21 (old)
Sweater: Addie Rose Boutique
Pants:Addie Rose Boutique
Shoes: Target (on sale now)
Beanie: North Face ( on sale now)
Necklace: Stella & Dot


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