Into the Fall

Good Morning!

Buenos Dias!

Happy Monday Everyone!  I hope you had a great weekend! It's that time of the year where football season is starting, kids are getting ready to go back to school and the air at night starts getting a little chilly.......indicating the fall season is around the corner.  I like this time of the year because I love transition pieces, long cardigans, knit sweaters, light jackets and booties.  They all remind me that my favorite holiday of the years is on it's way.

Thank you so much for stopping by today and taking the time to read this post.  I'm so appreciative of your time.  Please continue to follow me through Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.  Happy Monday!

Muchisimas gracias por visitar la pagina el dia de hoy.  Aprecio mucho sus comentarios y apoyo. Porfavor siganme a tarves de mis cusntas de Pinterest, Facebook e Instagram.  Feliz Lunes!

Top: Addie Rose Boutique ( old - similar here )
Shoes: Addie Rose Boutique ( sold out - similar here)
Necklace: Frankly Basics (a boutique in town)
Handbag: Louis Vuitton


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